markemer’s avatarmarkemer’s Twitter Archive

62,857 tweets

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  1. I love Worf's return - akaWorf is really killing it. I love the scripts have him calling ItsMichelleHurd Raffaela instead of Raffi - it's such a Worf thing to do.
  2. Dr. Lugash is the best. dimension20bot/1631987865533169665
  3. Hey TerryMatalas your planet is kinda a dump. You should be nicer to it.
  4. This is really cool. c0nc0rdance/1631124321903968256
  5. I can’t imagine what happened to so many people between March 2020 and today. TRyanGregory/1629128794937098242
  6. Nice to know from jonathansfrakes that even in the 25th century your Dad’s work friends can embrass you. Sorry Ensign LaForge.
  7. Thread. Now see this is question I find super interesting. ErinEARoss/1626989005505179648
  8. Inject this in my veins! jowanabueser/1626608442013261824
  9. And Kissinger doesn’t even have a cold. CarterCenter/1627039245025280003
  10. So, everyone, we definitely want a new Star Trek with Captain Seven (JeriLRyan) of the Titan, right?
  11. Oh this Captain Shaw dude gonna die. #Picard
  12. Also jonathansfrakes “aren’t we overdue for a road trip?” Ok the 25th century is way cooler than this one.
  13. As I settle in to early middle age I realize that people get mad because the things they’re nostalgic for can’t make them feel the same way they used to. But the real magic of nostalgia is making you feel something old in a new way. Embrace the new stuff.
  14. The new #AntMan #Quantumania looks like a lot of fun, Paul Rudd and Kathryn Newton as father and daughter ant people.


  1. …in reply to @AshWrites
    AshWrites Automatic faucets. It can be almost impossible to trigger them if you have dark skin. I’m an engineer and for some reason that’s one that always sticks with me. Maybe because I could see myself once upon a time accidentally implementing something like that without thinking.
  2. …in reply to @RayyvanaTTV
    RayyvanaTTV The whole boys can't be abused by adult women is really gross. I mean, it's the sort of thing a 14 year old boy might think they want, but it's not healthy or ok.
  3. …in reply to @kendrawcandraw
    kendrawcandraw I think if you dynamite an existing work for a tax break it should enter the public domain by law.
  4. …in reply to @DoctorWho_BBCA
    DoctorWho_BBCA And at the very end: You know the sound the Tardis makes? That wheezing, groaning. That sound brings hope wherever it goes. To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone, however lost. Even You. #doctorwho
  5. …in reply to @maccspowers
    @mpmst3k ebruenig libbycwatson Lisa needs braces.
  6. …in reply to @christinadunnn
    christinadunnn greeniejoey jameelajamil anyabelisle SnarkyTwin Yeah, I had a number of friends that had me do that sort of thing. Walk up to them at the bar and act like I hadn’t seen them in forever. It was like depressing improv.

I’ve retweeted other tweets 33,417 times (53.2%)

Most Retweeted

  1. laurenduca 447 retweets
  2. chrislhayes 406 retweets
  3. KevinMKruse 299 retweets
  4. AngryBlackLady 274 retweets
  5. soledadobrien 261 retweets
  6. tedlieu 233 retweets
  7. Stonekettle 226 retweets
  8. sarahkendzior 206 retweets
  9. JoyAnnReid 201 retweets
  10. AOC 180 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. ElieNYC 45 retweets
  2. AngryBlackLady 22 retweets
  3. SER1897 16 retweets
  4. AOC 13 retweets
  5. owillis 12 retweets
  6. icklenellierose 10 retweets
  7. drskyskull 10 retweets
  8. MaggieMaeFish 10 retweets
  9. RyanMarino 10 retweets
  10. DougJBalloon 9 retweets

Replies and Mentions

37.6% of my tweets are replies (×23,619)

Most Replies To

  1. AngryBlackLady 512 replies
  2. BootlegGirl 410 replies
  3. LuxAlptraum 295 replies
  4. DrJenGunter 241 replies
  5. codekoan 194 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. LuxAlptraum 83 replies
  2. AngryBlackLady 59 replies
  3. RyanMarino 49 replies
  4. GailSimone 39 replies
  5. Studio8502 36 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 310 times (0.5%)

77.9% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (7,327 of 9,403)

99.1% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (452 of 456)

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  2. 172 tweets
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  7. 103 tweets
  8. 97 tweets
  9. 81 tweets
  10. 64 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 5711 tweets
  2. 172 tweets
  3. 138 tweets
  4. 127 tweets
  5. 123 tweets
  6. 103 tweets
  7. 92 tweets
  8. 83 tweets
  9. 77 tweets
  10. 49 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 4,336 retweets and ❤️ 87,886 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😆 used 116 times on 116 tweets
  2. 🙄 used 92 times on 89 tweets
  3. 😀 used 65 times on 65 tweets
  4. 😜 used 58 times on 58 tweets
  5. ™ used 10 times on 10 tweets

40 unique emoji on 399 tweets (1.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. doctorwho used 66 times
  2. fb used 53 times
  3. profchat used 30 times
  4. wwdc2017 used 28 times
  5. wwdc17 used 22 times

1,059 hashtags on 1,054 tweets (3.6% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. h_ll used 373 times on 371 tweets
  2. d_mn used 285 times on 282 tweets
  3. s_it used 275 times on 267 tweets
  4. f_ck used 267 times on 252 tweets
  5. f_cking used 207 times on 202 tweets

2,284 swear words on 2,238 tweets (7.6% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets