markemer’s avatarmarkemer’s Twitter Archive—№ 42,762

    1. …in reply to @undefined
      @AutisticMadeArt NoContingencies christinadunnn greeniejoey jameelajamil anyabelisle SnarkyTwin The self proclaimed “nice guy” - which usually is not. And to make matters worse, many men early in dating make the mistake of pursuing someone perhaps after they should stop. (I blame romcoms) And these “nice guys” take advantage of that to bring other men to their side.
  1. …in reply to @markemer
    @AutisticMadeArt NoContingencies christinadunnn greeniejoey jameelajamil anyabelisle SnarkyTwin The Brett Kavenaughs of the word do the same shit conflating getting a little buzzed and making out at a party with their horror show. It drives me up a wall. This is not that complicated - they just want to make it that way so they can get away with horrible shit.